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Usability Review

The WorkflowHub Usability study is finally here! We would appreciate if you would pass this onto any and all colleagues.

We are seeking your help with a study to investigate the usability of WorkflowHub, a registry for scientific computational workflows We aim to improve the interface of WorkflowHub in accordance with the feedback and information provided by users.

We are looking for people with some experience and general knowledge about workflows.

It is NOT necessary that you are a WorkflowHub user!

Users will be asked to participate in the following activities:

  1. Zoom interview: consists of a series of tasks that will be done on the WorkflowHub website.
  2. Survey

All participants will be provided with a Participant Information Sheet, Instruction Book, and Consent Form prior to the interview. The latter must be signed and returned to Alexandra before the interview.

The whole process takes around 60 minutes.

We will be running this study until April 2022. For bookings, use

We would be really grateful if you could share this with anyone you think might be interested. This is an opportunity to steer the development of a major resource that will help Life Scientists in Europe.

Thank you for your help!