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How to register

  1. In order to register yourself in WorkflowHub, you need to click Register button in the top right hand corner of WorkflowHub. You can also visit this link.
  2. You will then see a wizard, where you are prompted to provide:
    • A Login name: this can be your real name, or another appropriate name.
    • An email address
    • A password for your account
  1. When complete, click the Register button in the bottom left hand corner.
  2. You will then be taken to a screen where you can enter further information (see figure below).
  3. WorkflowHub requires the following information:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Your email address (this is automatically populated from the previous screen)
  1. It is recommended that you also add an ORCID ID. If you do not have an ORCID, you can register for one at
  1. If your project (i.e. Team) is already in WorkflowHub, please select it from the dropdown menu.
  2. If your institution (i.e. Organisation) is already in WorkflowHub, please select it from the dropdown menu.
  3. After you have registered the rest of your information, you will need to activate your account. You will receive an email in the account you have provided.