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Complete workflow metadata

The next page is a form that gathers the necessary metadata that will be enclosed in the WorkflowHub entry. This metadata will also be included in the RO-Crate metadata for the workflow, which is automatically generated when the workflow is submitted.

Metadata part A

  1. Add a workflow Title
  2. Check the imported Description text, and edit if needed

Add a workflow title, then revise the imported Description text

Fig 7. Metadata collection page for a new workflow (part A).

Metadata part B

  1. Add other metadata, including:
  2. Add / update Licence information
  3. Set sharing conditions for the workflow, including for the public and the submitting Team(s)
  4. Add Tags and Creators (see Fig 8.)

Add Creators

Fig 8. Workflow Creator metadata section.

  1. Associate any relevant presentations, documents or files with the workflow
  2. Click Register one final time to complete the workflow registration process

Add other metadata, license information. Set sharing conditions, add tags and creators. Associate presentations, documents, files with workflow. Then click Register

Fig 9. Metadata collection page for a new workflow (part B).